Nomination Process

Nominee Competencies

الهوية العربية

The candidate has represented and embodied the Arab identity in a positive and impactful light.


The candidate showcases the ability to think creatively about a situation or problem in a unique and distinctive manner to determine a solution.


The candidate applies and best utilizes their resources such as knowledge, skills, and ideas for the betterment of society as a whole and for others to grasp and leverage.


The candidate serves as a model example of excellence that inspires and motivates Arab civilization to propel and accelerate towards progress.

Nomination Process

The candidate supports and drives progressive advancements in society or their field of work by changing the current way of pursuing new developments or enhanced knowledge.

Eligibility Considerations

These eligibility considerations are points that the evaluation committees look at to determine whether a candidate is qualified. They are the basis for the evaluation of the candidate in his field of specialization and his or her impact in that field.


The candidate has gained recognition from honors and awards for their academic or career achievements, and/or memberships in reputable organizations.


The candidate has received formal acknowledgments of appreciation such as degrees, specialty certificates, or participations as a thought leader.


The candidate has represented their work with proof in publications, patent application forms or media coverage that draw attention to their specialty field or work.


Proof of any work that had a major impact on the field in the Arab world and/or played an active role in societal progress. The candidate contributions has paradigm-shifting impact in the area of work/focus.

Letters of recommendation supporting work

The candidate holds letter(s) of recommendation from supervisors, professors, or mentors supporting their work and contributions.


The candidate has published research, theories, or other works in reputable/credible sources. The candidate provides a track record of high academic scores, scholarships, and other achievements in academia, and/or career.

Eligibility Conditions

  1. The Great Arab Minds program is open to all Arabs, including individuals of Arab descent residing abroad, with a special focus on those who have contributed to advancing communities in the Arab world.
  2. Entry is open to all ages. Juniors aged under 18 must have an authorized adult representing their case for eligibility.
  3. Application and Entrance to Great Arab Mind is free of cost.
  4. All entry forms must be completed online.
  5. By completing the nomination form through the website, the Great Arab Minds program team reserves all rights to contact the nominated candidates, and share any submitted information with KPMG and specialist committees as part of the nomination and evaluation phases.
  6. All nominations must be verified and supported by qualified nominators.
  7. Only individual candidates may enter an entry, i.e. no group nominations will be accepted.
  8. The nominated person must be present in the UAE while the award phases are ongoing.

Awardee Selection Journey

Candidate Sourcing
Confirming Candidate Interest
Screening and Filtration
Evaluation Panel Review
Final Recommendations
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